Godfrey, Leibsle, Blackbourn & Howarth, S.C.
Godfrey, Leibsle, Blackbourn & Howarth, S.C.

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Elkhorn, WI

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Legal Counsel After The Accidental Death Of A Loved One

To bring a wrongful death claim after a loved one’s fatal accident, you may need to prove at least some of the following:

  • That you are a qualified recipient of payout of a wrongful death claim for the deceased
  • That an accident or any act of negligence caused the death of your family member
  • That a person or entity was negligent, causing or contributing to the accident
  • That the deceased contributed monetarily and in other vital ways to the needs of the family

Specific cases may vary, but issues related to some or all of such factors lead to successful wrongful death claims or lawsuits. An experienced attorney’s help is essential. Attorneys from Godfrey, Leibsle, Blackbourn & Howarth, S.C., of Elkhorn, Wisconsin, are available to hear your story and explain how our law firm can help.

Too Soon? Too Late?

The sudden death of a family member in a fatal crash is naturally a shock. Family and friends may gather to remember the deceased with a funeral or burial. Countless details and decisions can overwhelm you during your time of grieving. You may feel it is too soon to talk to a lawyer. This is understandable.

However, if you wait too long to contact an attorney, valuable evidence will likely be lost. Accident reconstruction will get harder and harder. Eyewitnesses may become difficult or impossible to track down. The scene of the accident may be altered, cleaned up or otherwise made unsuitable for an investigation. You may miss a deadline or statute of limitations for filing an injury claim. It may become too late to file a successful wrongful death claim.

Special Considerations In Your Case

There is no such thing as a cookie-cutter wrongful death claim. The facts in your case are unique. Examples of special factors to consider in your case may include:

  • A potential criminal case related to the incident that caused your loved one’s death
  • The existence of other victims of the same accident (such as a bus or boat accident)
  • Suffering your loved one endured before passing away

Any specific facts may have an impact on your case outcome. To clarify how your case should move forward most effectively, contact an experienced plaintiff’s attorney. Our lawyers have made a name for our firm through skillful advocacy. We are here for you when you are ready to talk to an attorney.

After A Fatal Accident, Contact Our Law Firm

Reach us by phone at 262-723-3220 or by email through this website. Discuss the accident, the deceased person’s life and other information that will assist in filing a wrongful death claim.