Godfrey, Leibsle, Blackbourn & Howarth, S.C.
Godfrey, Leibsle, Blackbourn & Howarth, S.C.

Schedule Your Initial Consultation Today

Elkhorn, WI

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Help For Your Premises Liability Claim

Businesses and establishments have a responsibility to provide safe facilities and environment for patrons. When they fail to do so and you are hurt as a result of their negligence, many establishments are reluctant to pay you the damages you deserve and need to cover medical costs as well as pain and suffering. You need skilled legal representation on your side.

Fighting For Your Rights

At Godfrey, Leibsle, Blackbourn & Howarth, S.C., of Elkhorn, Wisconsin, we fight for clients’ rights following incidents of premises liability. These types of injuries can occur in a wide range of situations, from slip-and-fall accidents at a store to seasonal events that do not plan for the safety of participants and spectators.

These accidents often include:

  • Failure to maintain sidewalks
  • Unsafe entryways and stairs
  • Failure to keep up with codes and safety regulations
  • Trails and recreational destinations that are not properly maintained or signed
  • Seasonal fairs and events lacking proper safety provisions
  • Slip-and-fall cases

We will be a zealous advocate on your behalf, fighting to recover the damages you are entitled to. Without the experience of a knowledgeable personal injury firm on your side, you risk being brushed aside or dismissed.

Attorneys Serving Walworth County

We will gather evidence to show that your injury was preventable and happened as a result of the establishment’s negligence. We will pursue the insurance companies on your behalf, pressuring them to provide the damages you deserve.

Many times, these cases settle, and our attorneys are skilled in achieving highly beneficial settlements for our clients. If the case requires trial, you can be assured that we will enter the courtroom confidently prepared.

We understand the strain you are under as a result of your injury, and we are prepared to fight for you.

Discuss Your Premises Liability Claim

Personal injury and premises liability cases are handled on a contingency fee basis. To speak with a skilled personal injury lawyer, please call us today at 262-422-6607.