Child at Madison picnic dies after car lands on table

A horrific Wisconsin car accident has taken the life of a young boy. The tragedy occurred in Madison while the family was outside eating dinner. The car accident occurred at the rear of the First Business Bank Center, the father’s place of employment.

The family was sitting at a picnic table when a car came out of nowhere and landed on the table. Police believe the driver veered off for an as yet unknown reason, hitting a tree. The impact sent the vehicle flying through the air, crashing into the table and killing the 7-year-old boy.

Police theorized that the 59-year-old driver may have suffered from a medical emergency at the time of the car accident, and they are still investigating that possibility as they work to figure out exactly what occurred and why. If a medical condition was involved, police will likely want to document the nature and extent of it and determine to what extent the driver knew of her condition.

While the boy was killed immediately, his 36-year-old mother suffered critical injuries. She was rushed to the hospital. Her medical condition has since been listed as stable. The father and a 4-year-old daughter were also injured but initial reports said that neither suffered life-threatening injuries.

While a car accident such as this is rare, nothing can change the fact that it lead to the death of the young Wisconsin boy. Whether the woman suffered from a medical problem still doesn’t take the pain away from the family. They will likely want answers in this car accident as they attempt to put the pieces of their lives back together and struggle to cope with their grief. There has as yet been no word of criminal charges and further word on that prospect may depend on the results of the investigation. Regardless, the family will likely have the option of turning to the state court system to pursue civil claims for wrongful death and personal injury based on allegations of negligence.

Source: WTAQ, “7-year-old Madison boy killed in freak accident identified,” June 7, 2012

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