Advocates for patient safety say preventable medical errors cause over 200,000 deaths of patients every year nationwide, including in Wisconsin. Many times that number suffer but survive the consequences of medical malpractice. It has been noted that five preventable...
Month: July 2017
Personal injury: Hit-and-run fractures hip of security guard
An employee of a JC Penney store in Wisconsin is reportedly facing criminal charges after she admitted to running down one of the company's security guards. According to Wauwatosa police, the incident occurred late in the evening on Sunday, July 2 in the parking lot...
Study shows many medical malpractice claims follow misdiagnosis
According to a recently published study online, patients in Wisconsin and other states could be at an increased risk of suffering severe cardiovascular incidents because general practitioners often miss the initial symptoms and signs of heart disease. The research was...
Teenager wrongly suffers personal injury from police dog
Specially trained dogs are used by law enforcement agencies in Wisconsin and across the country. Their sense of smell and hearing capabilities are more sensitive than humans, making them an asset in many investigations. Although they are trained to follow commands,...