Wisconsin man charged with drunk driving in accident

Drinking and driving causes thousands of accidents every year, with varying degrees of property damage and personal injury. While there are certain hazards that will always accompany road travel, accidents caused by driving while intoxicated are entirely preventable. A recent accident in Reid, Wisconsin illustrates the tragic consequences that can result when an individual chooses to drink and drive.

The accident took place on a recent Thursday evening. A 57-year-old man was heading north on Highway Y when his vehicle was struck by another motorist who was heading southbound. Early reports suggest that the driver of the southbound car began to leave the right side of the road and then overcorrected, leading him to cross the center lane and collide with the other vehicle.

The resulting crash was severe enough to trap both drivers inside of their vehicles. Emergency responders were able to extricate the men, and both were rushed to an area hospital for treatment. The 57-year-old exhibited heart troubles following the crash and remained under hospital care as of the time of this report. As for the driver of the other vehicle, the 31-year old man was not seriously injured, but he was arrested after being treated at the hospital. He now faces charges of causing injury due to drunk driving as well as failure to maintain control of his vehicle and possessing open containers of alcohol within the vehicle.

As the victim continues to recover, his loved ones are likely focused on his medical progress and prognosis. However, once his condition stabilizes, they may choose to file a personal injury suit against the driver in a Wisconsin court of law. Such an action could hold the man accountable for his actions upon proof of negligence, and could also assist the man and his family in covering the costs of his medical care as well as any property damage that resulted from this apparent drunk driving accident.

Source: Wausau Daily Herald, “Hatley man accused in OWI crash,” Shereen Skola, Sept. 28, 2012

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