Wisconsin car accident injures 3, including pedestrian

A Wisconsin car accident can happen to anyone and at anytime. Often, though, people forget that a car accident can even affect the lives of those by the side of the road just as easily as those in the road. Unfortunately, a recent car accident resulted in injuries to a teenage pedestrian, the hospitalization of two drivers and extensive damage to three different vehicles.

In late April, a 63-year-old Milwaukee woman´s SUV was struck when a 32-year-old woman lost control of her vehicle on a local street. The impact of the car accident caused the SUV driver to also lose control of her vehicle and propelled the vehicle into a series of collisions. The SUV crossed the street, hit a teenage pedestrian, a parked car and then came to rest against a tree.

All drivers involved in the car accident were transported to a local hospital for treatment. The teenage pedestrian was hospitalized, but, thankfully, was not listed as in serious condition. The two drivers were also listed as having non-life-threatening injuries. Luckily for all involved, the car accident claimed no lives.

A car accident can have physical, mental, emotional and financial ramifications. The victims may benefit from pursuing claims for monetary compensation. If it is deemed that a party´s negligence caused or substantially contributed to the accident, a Wisconsin civil court will adjudicate demands for monetary damages occasioned by the injuries suffered. While no amount of money may ease the pain of some injuries, reimbursement of financial losses can ease the transition that inevitably follows a serious car accident.

Source: 620wtmj.com, “Teen hospitalized after being hit by car,” Jay Sorgi, April 26, 2013

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