Unusual Wisconsin car accident making headlines

An unusual Wisconsin car accident has made headlines across the area. Although a car accident isn’t necessarily an uncommon occurrence, the circumstances leading to certain collisions can seem unusual. A recent accident involving a car, a bicyclist and a pregnant woman has drawn attention due to its seeming to be a bizarre incident.

The accident occurred when a woman making a turn hit a man riding a bicycle. Upon impact, the man was thrown from his bicycle and went flying through the air. In a weird turn of events, the man struck a pregnant woman as he fell. Because she was eight months pregnant and could suffer potential complications from being forcibly knocked to the ground, she was transported to a local hospital for evaluation. The man riding the bicycle was believed to have received minor injuries based on initial reports, but more serious injuries could be discovered in the days to come.

The driver of the car was not injured. She was cited for failure to yield. Although a citation was issued, the victims in this case may want to look into their rights to pursue a civil suit. They could both be entitled to monetary compensation for any medical bills, property damage or pain and suffering that was a direct result of the accident. Expenses from an accident such as this can quickly add up.

Any Wisconsin resident that feels they have been the victim of a car accident could benefit from knowing their rights under the applicable state laws. As with this case, not every accident involves only automobiles. A person riding a bicycle or a pedestrian walking the street may also have the right to file a civil suit when injured by a person driving an automobile. By having an understanding of the law, a victim can be more hopeful to receive a fair settlement.

Source: Door County Advocate, “Man thrown off bike, injures pregnant woman in Liberty Grove,” July 2, 2013

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