Motorists are usually susceptible to any number of obstacles that could lead to an accident while driving on our roads. A single-vehicle car accident in Wisconsin is no exception. Sadly, a single-car accident occurred recently in Pierce County at around 3:50 a.m. after a driver running a stop sign. The driver and passenger were injured.
Wisconsin police and emergency personnel responded to the crash site. Reportedly, two people were traveling in a car when the driver ran through a stop sign at an intersection. The car flew into a tree after landing in a ditch and hitting an object. The 21-year-old male passenger sustained injuries and was transported to a nearby hospital. The exact details of his injuries have not been indicated.
The driver of the car sustained serious enough injuries to be flown to a different hospital. Although his exact injuries are unknown, he is listed in stable condition. No other vehicles were involved in this accident. The authorities are still investigating the car crash.
Understandably, a single-vehicle car accident can be just as dangerous as an accident involving multiple vehicles. Depending on the outcome of this investigation, the driver of the car may have to respond to civil litigation. The passenger of the car retains the right to file a personal injury lawsuit due to financial loss and other damages, including pain and suffering. The civil court system in Wisconsin commonly adjudicates these types of matters based upon evidence of negligence that is deemed to have caused or contributed to the injuries that resulted.
Source:, “Pierce County: Two men injured in crash,” Brandon Walter, July 14, 2013