Wisconsin DUI car accident kills 2, injures 1

Countless drunk driving accidents can be prevented. Many people who decided to drive drunk failed to take the option of having a designated driver. In those circumstances, the driver believes they are fully capable of driving, even when their judgment is impaired. An apparent Wisconsin drunk driving car accident recently killed two passengers and leaving another hospitalized.

Authorities say a 22-year-old man was driving while impaired. He was unable to maintain control over his vehicle, and it smashed into some trees. Three victims were involved, including two 21-year-old females and a 21-year-old male. The women were killed in the crash while the man suffered serious injuries. At last report, he remained hospitalized.

The driver was arrested and charged with driving under the influence and vehicular homicide. He was released from jail after he was able to meet the $25,000 bond. He was directed, however, to avoid contact with the families of the victims. He also is barred from becoming intoxicated and must avoid drinking establishments while the criminal proceedings are pending.

The DUI and vehicular homicide charges are not the only penalties the driver may face. The families of the deceased victims may elect to seek reimbursement of financial damages through wrongful death lawsuits. When a drunk driver causes a fatal car accident, it usually leaves families and close friends on an emotional roller coaster. The civil court system in Wisconsin typically handles these types of civil lawsuits, based upon evidence that a negligent defendant is responsible for the death.

Source: wifc.com, “Driver from weekend double fatal crash out on bond,” Larry Lee, July 24, 2013

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