Car accident and drunk driving are focus of Wisconsin task force

Drinking and driving is a nationwide problem. Just about every adult encountered has had some experience with drinking and driving — they either know someone who has lost a loved one to it in a car accident, have been arrested for it, or simply have not been caught yet. Law enforcement officers across the state of Wisconsin have joined together to do their part in protecting citizens from the dangers of drinking and driving.

About three years ago, a small task force was created. Its mission was, and continues to be, to cover an area with patrols in an effort to reduce alcohol-related accidents. The task force has now grown to include fourteen different agencies. Their efforts are partially funded by grant money from Wisconsin DOT.

According to task force members, officers look for any legal reason to stop drivers. This allows the officers to make sure that the driver has not been drinking and then driving. On a recent weekend, two alcohol-related arrests were made, and a total of 24 citations were written. This task force appears to be able to boast of its ability to influence drivers in their decisions about drinking and driving.

Drinking and driving carries with it stiff penalties in the state of Wisconsin. Furthermore, if a car accident occurs as the result of drinking and driving, the penalties can be more severe. For those who have been a victim of a drunk driving accident, they may wish to file a personal injury claim against the person responsible. A successfully litigated claim could help victims and their families pay for accident-related expenses.

Source:, “Two jailed in weekend OWI sweep“, Jake Kurtz, April 3, 2014

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