Motorcyclist dies after suffering personal injury in accident

A rider on a motorcycle is typically more vulnerable than a driver in a car. Even when the motorcyclist wears a helmet that can protect him or her from head and brain injuries, the rest of the individual’s body remains exposed. It is, therefore, not uncommon for motorcyclists to suffer catastrophic personal injury, or even die, in accidents involving motorcycles and cars.

A young Wisconsin man recently died after suffering personal injury in such an accident. On a recent Saturday evening, a 29-year-old Holmen man was eastbound on a motorcycle when he approached an intersection. A northbound vehicle apparently pulled out from a stationary position at a stop sign and proceeded to turn west without yielding the right-of-way to the motorcyclist who was entering the intersection.

The motorcycle smashed into the left-hand side of the vehicle. The biker suffered fatal injuries and died at the scene of the accident. The media report made no mention of injuries to the driver of the vehicle. An accident investigation is underway.

In addition to experiencing the shock and trauma of losing a loved one, the family of the motorcyclist will now have to face funeral and burial expenses. Furthermore, having to cope without the income of the deceased may bring about financial difficulties. Wisconsin residents who have suffered injuries, or lost a loved one in an accident that was caused by the negligence of another party, retain the right to pursue a personal injury claim — or a wrongful death claim in the event of a fatal accident — in a civil court. Although it is impossible to put a value on a loved one’s life, monetary damages awarded by the court may ease financial hardship that was brought about by the tragic accident.

Source:, “Holmen Man Dies in Motorcycle vs. Car Crash“, Hannah Anderson, May 19, 2014

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