Lawsuit accuses doctor of medical malpractice

There are a variety of different reasons for a person in Wisconsin to undergo surgery. Regardless of the reason, each patient deserves to receive an acceptable standard of care. However, one out-of-state woman claims that her doctor failed to meet this standard in a recently filed medical malpractice lawsuit. His oversight, she claims, could have resulted in her death.

Although the woman underwent liposuction surgery performed by the doctor in July 2014, she says she had been a long-time patient, having had multiple procedures performed over the course of several years, as well as receiving at-home visits from the doctor. In court papers, she states that she was experiencing pain before the surgery that worsened afterward. She claims she was given prescription painkillers to manage to her pain.

Unfortunately, her pain continued to worsen. When she began to have problems breathing, she went to the emergency room where it was determined she was suffering from a pulmonary embolism, which is a potentially life-threatening condition. Claiming that the doctor who performed the liposuction should have diagnosed her condition, she is seeking unspecified damages.

While most medical care providers are well-trained professionals, the failure to diagnose a condition such as the one this woman claims she experienced can have devastating consequences. People in Wisconsin who are victims of medical malpractice have legal options available to them as well. By taking such actions, they could receive awards of damages that will allow them to cope with the financial implications of such negligence, including medical bills, lost wages, and pain and suffering.

Source:, “Liposuction patient sues doctor claiming medical malpractice“, Kyle Barnett, Feb. 18, 2015

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