Many people in Wisconsin and across the country have become more committed to preserving their personal health by attempting to maintain a healthy weight. Some people who are struggling with obesity turn to surgeons to help make changes that could potentially have a drastic impact on their lives. Unfortunately, one out-of-state woman’s attempt to lead a healthier life through gastric bypass surgery has left her confined to a wheelchair due to medical malpractice.
The woman sought the treatment in 2010. At the time of the surgery, she was apparently taking a blood thinner. As part of her treatment, she claims that the doctors performing the surgery gave her the wrong anticoagulant, causing severe internal bleeding and preventing blood flow to her brain.
In addition to requiring a wheelchair as a result of the surgery, she also claims that she lost cognitive ability and will require lifelong, around-the-clock care. While the hospital where the surgery took place previously settled with her for $5 million, a jury recently ruled that the two doctors were negligent. As a result of that ruling, she was awarded an additional $9.4 million.
Anyone who has had even a simple medical procedure performed likely knows how costly medical treatment can be. Because this woman will require care for the rest of her life, she will need the award to help manage the costs. Anyone in Wisconsin who has been the victim of medical malpractice can also pursue justice in a civil court. By doing so successfully, he or she could not only receive a monetary award that will help with the financial ramifications of their injury but also protect future patients from suffering in a similar manner.
Source:, “Michigan City woman awarded $14.4 million in federal medical malpractice suit“, Giles Bruce, April 30, 2015