Drunk driving accident leads to 13-year sentence in Wisconsin

Sometimes, people make decisions that are not properly considered. Most would argue that reckless decisions increase when a person is with friends and under the influence of alcohol. Unfortunately, those who make the decision to drink and drive put themselves at risk, as well as their passengers and others with whom they may come into contact. One Wisconsin man was recently sentenced as a result of a fatal alcohol-related accident.

The accident occurred in Nov. 2013. A 21-year-old man was driving a vehicle that was also occupied by a 22-year-old male passenger. Police say that the vehicle crossed a median, causing a collision with an oncoming vehicle. The passenger died as a result of the collision while the driver of the second vehicle was injured.

The man faced multiple criminal charges as a result of the fatal accident. He was recently sentenced to 13 years in prison, followed by 12 years of extended supervision. Police also say they caught him driving under the influence of alcohol while out on bail. According to reports, police found him passed out in a vehicle stopped at a green light with the engine running and the gear in drive.

This fatal accident will likely significantly impact the lives of all that were involved. While the prison sentence may provide some emotional relief for the family members of the deceased victim as well as the injured driver of the second car, it will do nothing to alleviate the financial burdens they may be experiencing. However, they do have options available to them to pursue relief in a Wisconsin civil court. For many victims of car accidents, including those who were injured and family members of the deceased, an initial consultation with an experienced attorney could be the first step toward an award of damages that will allow them to cope with the unexpected financial consequences caused by another’s negligence.

Source: greenbaypressgazette.com, “Sobieski man gets 13 years in OWI death“, Paul Srubas, July 24, 2015

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