The potential dangers of driving under the influence of alcohol are well known. Many campaigns have sought the educate the public. Even some beer companies are trying to spread the message that drunk driving can have severe consequences. Unfortunately, people in Wisconsin and across the nation continue to engage in the risky behavior that can easily result in a fatal car accident. Most concerning is that people who get behind the wheel of a car after drinking are not just jeopardizing their own safety, but the safety of passengers in their vehicle as well as other innocent people with whom they may come into contact.
According to some reports, there were over 24,000 convictions related to drunk driving charges in Wisconsin in 2014. In an attempt to keep people safe on the state’s roadways, authorities in Wisconsin are gearing up to launch their annual “Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over” campaign. The effort is scheduled to place during the end of August and beginning of September.
There are several criminal consequences that a person convicted of drinking and driving could face. In addition to potential time in jail, a conviction could result in severe fines and/or the revocation of a driver’s license, among other outcomes. More important is the potential impact that the decision to drink and drive could have on others. Many lives have been lost or completely altered.
Beyond the physical injuries caused by a drunk driving car accident, many people — or their families in the event of a fatality — suffer financially. Fortunately, there are legal options available to those injured by another’s negligence. While a criminal case in Wisconsin will determine whether a sentence or fine is appropriate, many people injured by drunk drivers choose to pursue a claim of damages in a civil court. A successfully presented case could result in a monetary award that will allow victims to cope with the financial ramifications of an accident caused by another individual’s decision to drink and drive.
Source:, “Police chiefs urge people to drive sober“, David Jefson and Jay Engelhart, Aug. 12, 2015