Medical malpractice suit claims injection led to paralysis

There are many people in Wisconsin who suffer from neck and shoulder pain. As a result, they seek treatments in order to receive some degree of relief.  However, one out-of-state woman claims in a medical malpractice lawsuit that her treatment actually worsened her condition.

Court documents indicate that the woman sought treatment for her pain in Jan. 2013. The treatment involved an injection that was intended to place medication in a space between vertebrae. However, she claims that the medication was actually injected into her spine, causing an an irregular heartbeat and partial paralysis, among other issues. She was treated at a hospital and then by a rehabilitation center following the procedure.

The defendants claim that the woman moved during the procedure, resulting in the injury. At issue is who was responsible for preventing her movement. A nurse has testified that the woman was sedated prior to the procedure but sat up before the doctor was finished. In addition to claims regarding her movement, defendants also claim that many of her current medical conditions actually began prior to the injection. The plaintiff is seeking $50,000 or more for five separate counts, and the jury was set to deliberate at the time of the media report. 

Millions of people in this country successfully undergo medical procedures every day. Unfortunately, even a slight miscalculation on the part of a medical professional can quickly result in a life of pain. Many in Wisconsin suffering as a result of medical malpractice choose to seek recompense in a civil court just as this woman is doing. A successfully presented case may not only result in an award of damages, but could also protect future patients from suffering in a similar manner.

Source:, “Patient sues over injection gone wrong“, Sanford Schmidt, Sept. 22, 2015

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