Wisconsin recognizes risks of distracted driving accident

People in Wisconsin are likely aware of the potential consequences of texting and driving. However, it is easy of for a person to get in the mindset that an accident caused by inattention will not happen to him or her. The fact is, however, that just a single moment of inattention can result in a distracted driving accident. As a result, Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker has recently named October as Distracted Driving Awareness Month.

The purpose of the campaign is to bring more attention to the issues of smartphone use, especially to teens. As part of the campaign, the Wisconsin Highway Patrol is teaming up with AT&T, and AAA to hold events at high schools across the state. The campaign includes several assemblies featuring a former football player whose dreams of playing college football were destroyed by an accident caused by a distracted driver.

Unfortunately, a recent study conducted by AT&T reveals some concerning statistics regarding smartphone use while driving. The study found that approximately 70 percent of people use their phone while driving. While the most prominent activity relates to emailing and texting, some users claim that they also use social media sites such as Facebook and Twitter.

As Governor Walker reminds the residents of Wisconsin, the use of smartphones while driving can have serious, even deadly consequences. Unfortunately, hundreds of lives have been impacted by a distracted driving accident, leaving victims struggling with medical expenses and loss of wages. These people are already suffering as a result of the behavior this month of awareness is attempting to prevent, but future incidents can be prevented. Fortunately, a personal injury attorney can help victims in such circumstances seek the financial relief they need and deserve.

Source: fox6now.com, “Gov. Walker proclaims October “It Can Wait: Distracted Driving Awareness Month”“, Trisha Bee, Oct. 1, 2015

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