There are many drivers in Wisconsin who obey all traffic signs and signals. They ensure that there are few, if any, distractions in the car while driving. Unfortunately, these precautions can sometimes do little to protect them from the negligent acts of others — including those who drive under the influence of drugs or alcohol. One family in Wisconsin is grieving today after police say their loved ones were involved in a car accident caused by a drunk driver.
Police indicate that the accident happened one night in February. The 27-year-old male driver of sports utility vehicle is accused of running a stop sign, resulting in a collision with a vehicle containing a married couple. The couple in the second vehicle died as a result of the injuries suffered in the accident, and a 28-year-old female passenger in the SUV was injured.
Reports indicate that the alleged driver of the SUV told police he was not driving at time of the accident, explaining that he was aware he was unable to drive because he had been drinking. According to his claims, the actual driver walked away from the accident. However, police claim the man was in the driver’s seat when they arrived, and witnesses report that no one had left the scene. This driver was convicted of drunk driving a few months prior to the accident, and his license is still suspended as a result. He faces multiple criminal charges.
The deceased couple leaves behind two minor children. As in many cases of an unexpected death, their Wisconsin community has rallied around them and contributed to a fund to help support the teenagers. Despite their generosity, the financial hardship created by the unexpected death of a family member can often be overwhelming. Many people who lose loved ones in a car accident caused by a drunk driver choose to seek financial compensation in a civil court. A successfully presented case could result in an award of damages that help ensure financial stability.
Source:, “Fund established for children of crash victims“, Paul Srubas, Feb. 23, 2016