Medical malpractice leads to leg amputation

Many people in Wisconsin complain to their physicians about pain. The response to such complaints vary, but one out-of-state man’s complaints ultimately led to the amputation of his leg. A jury has recently awarded the man and his wife over $2 million in damages as a result of his injury after finding that it was caused by medical malpractice.

Following the man’s complaints of pain, a doctor not named in the lawsuit suggested that he undergo surgery to replace his knee. However, that doctor requested that a second doctor, one of the defendants in the case, clear the man for the surgery. After routine tests revealed a possible blockage in his coronary arteries, the patient was referred to a third doctor who conducted a coronary angiogram.

After 16 minutes of the procedure, the doctor determined that there were no blockages; however, the test continued for over an hour. Afterward, a clot developed and moved to the patient’s right leg. The clot caused a blockage that eventually require the man’s leg be amputated just below the knee. The man and his wife contend that the test was unnecessary. A jury in the case recently ruled that the third doctor was liable and awarded the man and his wife $2.2 million.

While everyone makes mistakes in their everyday lives, a mistake in the medical field can cause significant harm to a patient. As a result, hospitals and staff must have procedures in place that seek to protect patients from medical malpractice. Unfortunately, people in Wisconsin still suffer, but lawsuits such as this one can often bring attention to a problem, prompting change that will protect future patients. Additionally, a successfully presented lawsuit could potentially ensure that a victim does not suffer financially as a result.

Source:, “Jury awards $2.2M to couple in negligence verdict“, Justin Story, June 3, 2016

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