The majority of drivers in Wisconsin and across the country are good drivers, dedicated to protecting their own safety as well as other motorists and pedestrians with whom they may come into contact. Unfortunately, not all drivers have this mentality, which can lead to the death or injury of innocent people as a result of a car accident. In fact, over 5.6 million accidents were reported in 2012, leaving victims attempting to recover from injuries or coping with their grief over the unexpected death of a loved one.
Because the financial ramifications of a car accident can be high, many victims choose to file a personal injury lawsuit. Drivers are required to demonstrate reasonable care, and those who do not could be held liable for the consequences of an accident they caused. In order to successfully present a case, a plaintiff must prove that the other driver was negligent, causing an accident that resulted in harm.
The average person may be unaware of what laws a negligent driver broke or how to prove claims of negligence, prompting most victims to seek help from an experienced personal injury attorney. A legal professional can research all elements of the case. This includes interviewing witnesses, reviewing police reports and consulting state law.
There are many potential causes of a car accident. While many relate to the negligent actions of others on the roadway, some are caused as a result of poor signs or badly maintained roads as well as car defects. In those cases, an attorney can help those in Wisconsin identify the responsible parties and initiate legal action.
Source: FindLaw, “Car Accident Basics“, Accessed on July 12, 2016