Car accident numbers higher in the month of July

It is not unusual for the number of motor vehicle accidents to increase during the summer months. School is out, and there are more people on the road, including young drivers, which usually leads to more car accidents. This summer, the month of July was particularly dangerous for Wisconsin drivers as 60 car accident victims lost their lives. 

Authorities believe that many of these accidents could have been prevented. The leading causes of car accidents include alcohol, distracted driving and reckless behavior, all of which can be alleviated when drivers make smart and responsible choices. There is also an increased risk of injury or death when a person is not wearing a seat belt when involved in a vehicle collision.

While Wisconsin law enforcement has worked very hard to stop drivers who make poor decisions behind the wheel, distraction continues to be a serious problem. Phones are prevalent, and many people cannot resist the temptation to check Facebook, read an email or text while driving. Distracted drivers often exhibit some of the same behaviors as drunk drivers, including swerving, driving at erratic speeds and more. 

From distraction to speeding to intoxicated driving, victims of these types of irresponsible and preventable behaviors have legal options. Through a personal injury claim, car accident victims can seek to recover the financial losses that they have sustained due to the negligence of another person. A lawyer experienced in these types of cases can explain the civil claims process and gather the evidence needed to proceed in court. No matter what caused an accident, it is important to understand what legal options may be available.

Source:, “July marks deadliest month on Wisconsin roads this year”, Daniel Keith, Aug. 7, 2016

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