Drunk driving car accident kills 4 in Wisconsin

Efforts have been made over the course of the last few decades to educate drivers about the potential dangers of drinking and driving. Despite these extensive efforts, some people in Wisconsin continue to make the decision to get behind the wheel of a car while under the influence of alcohol. This decision often has deadly consequences. For example, a recent car accident believed to have been caused by a drunk driver resulted in the death of four people.

The incident occurred one night on a day in early November. Police claim that they received reports of a sports utility vehicle being driven erratically in the eastbound lanes of a Wisconsin interstate. The driver then allegedly changed directions and headed into oncoming traffic. While a responding police officer claims that he was able to narrowly avoid a head-on collision, two other drivers were not as lucky.

The SUV is said to have struck two vehicles. One vehicle contained four workers returning from a recruiting activity; three of them died as a result of their injuries. The fourth, the driver of the vehicle, suffered life-threatening injuries and remains hospitalized. The driver of the second car also died in the collision while the driver allegedly driving the wrong way, a 32-year-old man, suffered serious injuries. Police believe that he was under the influence of alcohol at the time of the crash.

Unfortunately, reckless decisions made by negligent drivers affect innocent people who happen to be in their vicinity. This accident could leave surviving family members as well as those who survived the accident struggling with the financial ramifications of the the crash, including funeral expenses, medical casts and loss of wages. While the driver believed to have caused this Wisconsin car accident may ultimately face criminal charges, those injured as well as surviving family members of deceased victims have the option of seeking recompense in a civil court.

Source: fox6now.com, ““Our best and brightest:” Accountants from Milwaukee killed in wrong-way, head-on crash“, Katie DeLong and Bret Lemoine, Nov. 3, 2016

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