Wisconsin drunk driving car accident kills father, daughter

This time of year is one typically filled with family and excitement. As most people in Wisconsin wind up Thanksgiving, they begin planning for December holidays. Unfortunately, one family is planning a funeral instead of decorating a Christmas tree after police say a drunk driver caused a car accident that killed a man and his daughter.

The incident happened one evening in late November. Reports indicate that a 39-year-old man was driving a sedan containing two of his daughters, a 9-year-old and a 6-year-old. Unfortunately, when the man attempted to stop, the vehicle was rear-ended by a pickup truck driven by a 25-year-old man.

The driver of the sedan and his older daughter passed away as a result of injuries suffered in the accident. The younger girl was injured but is expected to survive. Although it is unclear if the driver of the truck was injured, he has been taken into police custody. Police believe that both speed and alcohol factored into the accident.

In the meantime, community members have rallied around the man’s surviving family members, including two daughters, by creating a fundraising campaign to assist with the girls’ college educations. Unfortunately, the financial consequences of an unexpected loss such as this often outweigh money raised in a community fundraiser. Many people in Wisconsin who have lost a loved one in such a manner struggle with funeral costs and other expenses. If it can be proved that a car accident such as this was caused by another’s negligence, surviving victims could receive recompense by successfully presenting their claims in a civil court.

Source: fox6now.com, “39-year-old father, 9-year-old daughter killed by drunk driver in Caledonia“, Megan Pospychala and Ashley Sears, Nov. 25, 2016

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