Driving a vehicle on Wisconsin roadways is considered a privilege. A driver’s license, liability car insurance and responsible driving are mandated by the state for those who choose to operate a vehicle. Not adhering to state requirements or documented reckless driving can possibly cause the loss of that privilege. State lawmakers recognize that a car accident can be costly to all involved parties, and they are proposing new legislation to increase the consequences for those who drive without liability insurance.
Until 2009, Wisconsin was one of the only states that did not require drivers to purchase liability automobile insurance. Although the 2009 law mandated insurance for all drivers, the consequences of choosing not to purchase it is minimal. Currently driving without liability insurance may only result in a citation and possibly a $100 fine. Twelve percent of Wisconsin residents risk driving uninsured.
While the consequences for the uninsured driver are minimal, they can be costly for other people if a collision occurs with an uninsured motorist. Persons involved in a wreck with an uninsured motorist have an option to file a claim against their own insurance to cover body shop, medical and other crash related expenses. The proposed law will institute higher fines for anyone who chooses not to purchase liability insurance, possibly decreasing the amount of uninsured drivers on Wisconsin roads.
Dealing with the aftermath of a car accident with an uninsured motorist can be overwhelming. Fortunately, experienced personal injury attorneys are equipped to aide victims in understanding their rights and options after an accident. Lawyers can also guide a driver in filing a claim against their own insurance for coverage of expenses.
Source: jsonline.com, “Obamacare critics want tougher insurance mandate — for drivers“, Jason Stein, Jan. 20, 2017