Woman recieves personal injury to face from dog attack

The American Veterinary Medical Association reports that approximately 800,000 victims suffer from dog bites that require medical attention every year, with many occurring here in Wisconsin. Depending on the severity, a personal injury suffered from a dog attack can result in unexpected medical expenses and deformities or other serious medical problems. Recently, a woman in another state received serious injuries to her face after a dog attack.

The 23-year-old woman was near a convenience store late at night when the attack occurred. She knew the dog and the dog owner, and both were present with her when authorities arrived to the scene. The female’s facial injuries necessitated treatment at a nearby medical facility.

Reportedly, the dog’s owner also suffered some bite wounds while trying to halt the attack of his dog on his friend. The dog had no known history of aggression, but it was taken to be impounded until the investigation of the incident is completed. The dog’s fate will be determined once the investigation is complete, and it will be determined if the dog poses a threat to humans.

Treatment for dog bite wounds and other personal injuries can add up quickly. Due to the woman’s personal injury from the dog bites being located on her face, she may need specialized treatment to attempt to prevent permanent scarring and deformity. Because it is believed that dog bites can be prevented with proper treatment and adequate management, owners are typically strictly liable for the harm their dog’s may cause in Wisconsin. Personal injury attorneys can advise victims of dog bites of their rights to legal recourse in a civil court.

Source: wctrib.com, “Willmar woman sustains severe dog bite injuries”, May 22, 2017

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