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Medical malpractice claim follows absence of informed consent

Doctors nationwide, including in Wisconsin, may not perform surgical procedures without informed consent by the patient. This is the right of a patient to be informed about the details of his or her condition, the planned treatment procedures and the associated risks. It must be presented in a language that is understandable and will allow the patient to make an informed decision about his or her treatment and health care. Failure to obtain such consent may constitute medical malpractice.

A doctor in another state is facing a medical malpractice lawsuit that was filed by a man who claims to have undergone a surgery for which he did not give informed consent. According to court documents, the plaintiff claims to have been under the impression that the treatment for his condition would involve no more than a laser method. However, when the bandages were removed two days later, he noticed the stitches closing the incision of a surgical procedure.

The defendant accuses the doctor and the medical facility at which the procedure took place of negligence. He claims medical malpractice for the doctor’s failure to obtain informed consent and misleading him as to the true nature of the planned procedure. He seeks damages for legal fees, court costs and a monetary judgment for reasonable compensation for physical, financial and emotional losses.

Wisconsin residents who are suffering the consequences of medical treatment that did not meet acceptable standards may have grounds for medical malpractice lawsuits. The logical step might be to discuss the circumstances with an experienced medical malpractice attorney who can determine the viability of such a lawsuit. If valid grounds exist, the lawyer can provide support and guidance every step of the way through ensuing legal procedures.

Source: louisianarecord.com, “Man claims he was operated on despite only agreeing to laser procedure“, Carrie Bradon, Jan. 26, 2018

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