Two high school students injured in pedestrian crash

The morning and afternoon commutes to and from work or school can be stressful at times. Many motorists feel rushed to get there on time and are hastily trying to get home at the end of the day. No matter the situation, safety and attention should not take the back seat. Motorists are required to always follow the rules of the road and drive safely. Unfortunately, this does not always occur, resulting in crashes involving other vehicles, cyclists and even pedestrians.

With school being in session for over a month, one would think that students have gotten into the groove of things. Unfortunately, students driving to and from school are still fairly new drivers and are more prone to accidents. The state of Wisconsin saw two students seriously injured in a car accident right outside of their school, and this is followed by yet another accident injuring two students walking outside of their high school.

According to recent reports, the crash took place in Waukesha County when two 16-year-old high school students were walking north from the football field towards the school. The students were en route to the school when the two boys were struck by a vehicle driven by a 16-year-old girl. The two boys hit were transported to the hospital with significant injuries. Investigation is still ongoing and no charges were reported at this time.

Following a pedestrian accident, it is important that those harmed understand their rights and options. This could mean conducting further investigation to prove liability and negligence. When a negligent driver is at fault, it is possible to hold them accountable through a personal injury action. This could also help with the recovery of compensation for losses and damages.

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