Helping you through a medical malpractice action

We all need to go to the doctor from time to time. Whether it is routine or for a specific ailment, patients in Wisconsin and elsewhere rely on the knowledge and expertise of medical professionals to inform them of any health issue and properly treat any that may come up. Unfortunately, medical professionals are human and subject to human errors. And when errors are made in the medical field, patients could suffer tremendous harm.

Being a victim of medical malpractice can be confusing and overwhelming. You may not be able to fully process the situation, or may be too consumed by the new medical issues you are suffering to even understand what you can do to better your situation. At Godfrey, Leibsle, Blackbourn & Howarth, S.C., our skilled attorneys understand how a serious medical mistake can impact the life of an individual and their family; thus, we are dedicated to helping those in the Elkhorn area understand their situation and the rights they have.

It can be difficult to understand when and if a medical error occurred; however, our law firm is experienced in the investigative process that can help establish the cause of injury and potential liable parties. We take the time to uncover any and all necessary documents and evidence in order to paint a more accurate picture of the matter. Whether it is a misdiagnosis, surgical error or any other medical mistake, our law firm can help you navigate the matter.

To learn more, check out our law firm’s personal injury website. This information can help you understand what rights you are afforded as well as the process necessary to take action and prove accountability. This could also help with the recovery of compensation, which can offset losses and damages caused by the incident.

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