Get your driving teen ready for school.

It’s never too early to begin the “back to school” work for your kids. And if your kids are driving, that back-to-school work means a little more than before. Your kids are entering a new phase; they’re driving and have new independence. Unfortunately, that means they will face unknown risks because they’ll be sharing the roads to school with many people who are also learning to drive. Here are a few tips to help you help them:

Limit passengers in the vehicle

Your teenager is driving, but they have friends that can’t yet. They’ll be asked to chauffeur and be happy to do it. However, passengers are a huge distraction for young drivers. It’s hard to track what’s ahead of you when the most interesting things happen in the passenger seat. It’s important to ensure your kids can focus when they need to.

Ensure they understand the rules of the road

The rules of the road are extremely important. It allows all cars to move functionally. If your kid is driving, they already “know” the rules. But that can be a long way from having them fully memorized. You want to get them as close to an “instinctive” driver as possible.

Teach them defensive driving tactics

Defensive driving is about understanding where you should be on the road. It’s about making smart choices that protect yourself. You want to show them how to spot dangerous vehicles and drivers and navigate difficult situations.

Teach them how to respond to an accident

Even with all the prep work, there is a strong chance that they’ll still get into an accident. However, if you can tell them how to get insurance information, how to ensure they have pictures of the scene and all the other important parts of handling an accident, it can make the next part much easier.

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