When you’re driving, you should have your eyes on the road at all times. Until there are real other options for getting around without driver attention, you have to pay attention. However, your skill and attention aren’t the only things that matter. You must worry about other drivers on the road. Here’s how you can spot someone not paying attention:
One of the most common signs of a struggling driver is swerving. Often this is a signal of many different possible issues, but among them is distractions. If a person is looking down at their phone, over at a passenger, or just rocking out to sweet tunes, their ability to keep their vehicle straight will be affected.
Head facing down
As phones are the number one distraction on the road, there are obvious signs that someone is using one while driving. If you can see the silhouette of a driver whose head keeps dipping down, up, and down again, this is a sign. You might see them from the side or in your rearview mirror.
Long stops at lights and signs
Most people believe they can “send a quick text” at a stop sign or light. But typing and reading can take time. That time can become obvious when the light changes or the stopped vehicle can safely move forward, and nothing happens.
Driving too fast or too slowly
Not matching traffic flow, either by driving too fast or too slowly, is a classic sign of distraction. If something in the vehicle is more important than the vehicles around, then there’s no way the driver will be matching speed.
What can you do?
Your safety matters most. If you spot a distracted driver, take whatever steps to get far away from them. However, do not spend all your time inspecting other vehicles for signs of distractions, as that can divide your attention.