Is Thanksgiving a dangerous time to drive?

Thanksgiving is one of those unique American holidays that makes a big splash. While a lot of people say it’s overshadowed by Christmas, it does make an impact. However, one of the consequences of Thanksgiving is how dangerous the roads become. Thanksgiving is the 8th most dangerous holiday to drive on, but why is that?

Travel frequently spikes during the Thanksgiving holiday weekend.

Thanksgiving is one of the busiest travel holidays of the year. It is not just a busy time to travel by plane; trains and automobiles are just as heavily trafficked. It’s important to remember that nearly every visitor to an area is driving a car they’ve rented in a place they aren’t as familiar with as they may have once been. That can lead to a host of mistakes.

Alcohol consumption also spikes the day before Thanksgiving

The day before Thanksgiving has been considered the “biggest drinking day of the year.” That also means a serious uptick in drunk driving across the country, especially in Wisconsin. Couple that heavy indulgence with roads people don’t know well, and you get a recipe for a difficult Thanksgiving.

Weather changes can come quickly.

Midwestern weather is an unpredictable, fast-moving time for snow and ice. While most of the snow holds off until later in the year, heavy snowfall in late November is normal. It can come on quickly and turn the roads from an easily manageable drive to a nightmare for someone from a warmer climate.

It’s the longest holiday weekend.

Since it starts on a Thursday, and many people have the day after off, it counts as the longest weekend of the year. That means there is more time for accidents and fewer resources to deal with them, as medical providers may also take time off at this time.

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