Wisconsin’s traffic safety laws criticized in national car accident report

Despite efforts by lawmakers and law enforcement in Wisconsin and the rest of the country, death in auto accidents jumped by more than 10 percent in 2021, according to a new report from Advocates for Highway and Auto Safety. A total of 42.915 were killed on U.S. roads, highways and interstates that year, which was 10.5 percent worse than in 2020.

The report focused on what state legislatures have done — and not done– to take on the problem of dangerous traffic behaviors like drunk driving, distracted driving and speeding. It examined each state’s laws in six categories and issued grades of zero, one or two for each. The categories were:

  • Occupant protection
  • Child passenger safety
  • Teenage drivers
  • Drunk/drugged driving
  • Distracted driving
  • Automated speed limit enforcement

Wisconsin was one of 36 states to receive a “caution” rating after scoring just four points out of a possible 12. The report’s authors gave Wisconsin good marks for its anti-distracted driving law but only caution ratings for its DUI statutes and enforcement of occupant protections. The state received no points in the rest of the categories.

Evening the playing field against auto insurance companies

Tough laws to prevent dangerous driving and punish violations make a difference. But unfortunately, no criminal statute can eliminate the death and maiming of innocent people. Afterward, a personal injury lawsuit could be your only option for getting rightful compensation from the driver. Insurance companies often seek to deny valid claims and take advantage of people who do not understand their legal rights after a car accident. Working with a personal injury attorney helps even the playing field.

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