Here come the 100 deadliest days on the road 

Every year, there’s an uptick in serious accidents involving young drivers over the summer. As a result, many people now refer to this as the 100 deadliest days of summer. They essentially start at Memorial Day and end on Labor Day, encompassing the time when many high school students and college students are on summer break.

In fact, these students are specifically the reason why the roads get to be more dangerous. Remember that young people are always the age group that has the highest fatal accident rate. They are inexperienced, they make mistakes, and they cause a disproportionate number of accidents. During the school year, this risk is mitigated somewhat by the fact that they have to attend school all day. But they’re off for summer break, and so they’re going to be driving more, leading to this increase in accidents.

Is it just teenagers who are at risk?

It is worth noting that it’s not just teen drivers who are increasing the risks on the road. They certainly do, but you also have to consider that this is a time when many families take vacations. Some students are involved in sports, summer camps or other activities. In other words, everyone drives a bit more in the summer than they do during the winter, and higher traffic levels usually lead to higher accident totals.

There’s not necessarily anything that you can do to eliminate this risk. The inexperience of teen drivers means they simply have to drive and gain experience to become safer. It takes time. You will have to share the road with them in the summer.

But knowing that the risk has increased can help you become a defensive driver and do what you can to avoid an accident. You also need to know exactly what legal options you can use to seek financial compensation if you’re injured in an accident caused by someone else.

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