You should always get a medical opinion after a vehicle accident

The aftermath of a car accident can be a whirlwind of emotions, from shock and disbelief to worry and concern. These early minutes and hours can even be so chaotic and adrenaline-fueled that you might not realize you suffered an injury.

You may think an injury you failed to notice right away is not severe enough to warrant a trip to the doctor. However, there are many reasons, including your well-being, to undergo a thorough medical review after an accident.

To detect hidden injuries

Some injuries, both severe and minor, do not present symptoms immediately. For example, it is not uncommon for days or weeks to pass before brain injury victims experience symptoms.

A prompt medical assessment can reveal potentially severe injuries in time to receive early treatment. In turn, this may aid your recovery and improve your long-term prognosis.

To understand damages

Many people misunderstand what the word damages means in injury law. It describes the harm you suffered, such as the loss of your vehicle (property damage) and your injuries.

The term also describes what you are entitled to receive in compensation for your losses, including your physical injuries. If you encounter this term during your claim, ensure you understand its context.

To support your claim

Unfortunately, auto insurance companies are unlikely to take it on your word alone that an accident left you injured. A doctor’s opinion in the wake of the crash serves as crucial evidence for the injury portion of your claim.

Your medical records provide a detailed account of your injuries and their cause, which is essential in establishing a claim under Wisconsin law. Legal guidance can help you use this and other evidence to strengthen your claim further.

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