4 tips for taking pictures after an accident

Things can change quickly in an accident scene. That’s why it’s crucial to take photos immediately, when possible, to preserve evidence. But the pictures you take should be detailed enough to support your claim.

Below are four tips for taking pictures after an accident:

1. Take pictures of all vehicles involved

You should get photos of all vehicles involved in the accident. Make sure you get the positions of the cars before they are moved. Take the pictures from different angles.

2. Capture the damage on your car 

After taking pictures of all vehicles, document the damage on your car (internally and externally). Take close-up shots of the broken windows, scratches, deployed airbags and so on. 

3. Document your injuries

Take pictures of your injuries and those of anyone involved, such as your passengers. Capture any cuts, burns, bruises and so on. These pictures will be beneficial when claiming medical expenses. 

4. Take photos of the surroundings

You should get the surroundings of the accident scene from different angles. Things to pay attention to include traffic lights and signs, the weather conditions and the roadway.

With traffic lights and signs, you can collect evidence that proves the other driver violated a traffic law, causing the accident. Documenting the weather conditions can also provide insight into an accident’s causes. In addition, skid marks can show how fast a vehicle was traveling before the accident. Accordingly, they can serve as crucial evidence in determining fault. 

When you’ve been injured in a wreck or a loved one is hurt, it can be difficult to obtain fair treatment from the insurance company of the driver responsible. Legal guidance can make all the difference.

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