Rebuilding your confidence after a car wreck 

A car crash can take its toll both physically and emotionally. When you feel physically well again, you may not want to return to the roads in case another collision occurs. 

Anxiety after a crash is very common. Fortunately, it is something that you can work on and quickly recover from. Here are a few things that could help. 

Choosing the right time 

While you certainly don’t want to rush back into a vehicle, it is also important not to put it off forever. Avoidance is a common symptom of anxiety and it tends only to make the condition worse. The key is gradually exposing yourself to driving a little more each day. Here’s how you can get started. 

Be a passenger 

You don’t have to take the wheel straight away. You can be a passenger instead. Ask another driver you trust to take you on a short journey. This could be your partner, friend or family member. The key is to choose someone with driving experience. 

Start with small journeys 

When returning to driving after time off, particularly after a crash, it is important to start small. In the beginning, you just want to get a feel for the car again. That’s why you should start with small, familiar journeys. Gradually, you can build on this until you can drive anywhere. 

If your accident was caused by another party’s negligence, then you may be entitled to personal injury compensation. This can cover medical costs, lost wages and other accident-related expenses. Seek legal guidance to find out more about the claims process. 

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