An injury from a dog bite can be serious even life threatening. Dog owners have a responsibility not only for the whereabouts of their animal, but for their medical needs including vaccinations as well. A recent story about a Wisconsin girl that suffered an injury as the result of a dog bite has made local headlines and has people looking for the dog that bit the girl.
The 12-year-old girl was riding her bicycle when the dog, which is a St. Bernard, bit her. It was not reported where she was bitten, but the injury was described as a puncture wound. Although at first glance that may not seem like a serious injury, since the dog has yet to be found the girl could be facing a round of shots for the treatment of rabies as a preventative measure. This can be a painful and costly process.
The owner of the dog has provided evidence of the dog’s vaccinations, but as a standard procedure the dog will need to be quarantined for 10 days and be cared for and tested by a veterinarian to confirm it is in fact rabies free. It has also been reported that this isn’t the first time the dog has run free and other neighbors have observed it running loose through the neighborhood. As the story continues to unfold, the family of the girl may want to look into their right to file a civil suit to cover any medical attention that has already been received as well as any future treatments she may have to endure. Medical bills can quickly add up and cause financial strain on a family.
Any Wisconsin resident that has received an injury due to a dog bite may benefit from knowing the applicable laws. A proactive approach may also prove beneficial so as medical and other expenses don’t add up and cause financial ruin before monetary compensation can be awarded. When a person receives an injury it is important they are able to take care of their injuries and not have the added stress of financial concerns.
Source:, “UPDATE: St. Bernard that bit girl still at large,” Daniel Woodruff, June 11, 2013